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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Alliance with the University of Pisa and Italian Intelligence Agency for Shared Security: in Pisa the Italian Intelligence Agency gives a self-introduction to students

Publication date: 14.04.2016
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Intelligence and universities together to deal with the asymmetric threats of our time. A positive sign of contamination tells about relationship between thinking and comparison, a modern intelligence agency encouraging broad-based ownership joins forces with the Academia for the promotion of a culture of shared security. 

On 23rd April, at 3.30 pm in the Hall of the Knights of Santo Stefano, on the initiative of the Intelligence Agency for the security of Italian Republic, Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies and the University of Pisa, the Italian 007 agents meet the students on the roadshow 'Intelligence live' which started in October 2013.  Young students are told about the Secret Service 3.0; who they are and what they do, providing the best possible way to share cultural experiences.    

Rectors of Sant'Anna School, Pierdomenico Perata and University of Pisa, Massimo Augello, will give the opening speech. Then the Director General of the DIS, Ambassador Giampiero Massolo will talk to audience about “The objective of Alliance Intelligence - Universities: a shared security”. Marinella Blacks Gualdesi, professor at the University of Pisa, will discuss on “International cooperation between intelligence forces in the age of uncertainty”, and Tullio Padovani, professor at Sant'Anna School, will talk about “Criminal Law and intelligence activities: food for thought in the light of recent case law of Italian courts”. Paolo Scotto di Castelbianco, Director of the Information System of the Training School for Republic Security, in his talk entitled “Intelligence ... let’s know it better”, will answer the students questions.

The partnership between the Training School of the Intelligence Division and Universities allows us to read liquid scenarios, adapting our ability to respond to the evolving threats and to identify practices even more incisive to support companies facing cyber attacks.

Students are requested to apply at www.santannapisa.i/roadshow/domande Registration is mandatory. For organizational reasons entrance will be allowed until 15.00 on Wednesday, 20 April.